Beyond Binary Thinking

Friday, 30 October 2020

Polish Protests: What Is Going On?

Content Warning: Abortion, Blasphemy, and Revolution.

We spoke to Gabriel to get a handle on what's happening with women's rights, politics, protests, and the Catholic Church in Poland.

Funny, alarming, enlightening, and disturbing. If you wondered WTF is going on in Poland, I'd recommend you check out this frank discussion.

Anti-PiS protest song by an activist currently in prison for speaking against the current government:

How I hate you so much
How much I hate you
How much I despise you
probably just as much as you despised me

So sing along together!
You need to say fuck you to PiS
and you need not to be afraid of them
and in the face of the adversity, you must strike

PiS politician is a whore above all whores
And that is how their brotherhood works
PiS politician is stealing millions...
...just to give it to the church

So sing along together!...

Check out this episode!

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