Beyond Binary Thinking

Friday, 4 December 2020

Does Everyone Hate Feminists?

Chris finally has the nuances of Feminist theory explained to him in a thought provoking debate.

Why do only a minority of people consider themselves Feminist?

What does the movement get right, where can it improve, and why is this still a controversial topic?

Why are we still talking about Jordan Peterson!?

Two insightful guests help Beyond Binary Thinking finally broach, one of our more polemic topics.

Outro music by the phenomenally talented Florence Glen, releasing this song on Friday 18th December, and her album early next year. All updates can be found on:

Check out this episode!

Monday, 30 November 2020

The Social Media Dilemma Featuring PeteyVid's Crag Stadler

Social Media Giants promised a revolution in how we would communicate and form communities.

The promise of the Arab Spring has been tainted by genocides in Myanmar, and Ethiopia, accelerated by dictator sponsored Facebook ads.

The technological revolution built on innovation has grown so monopolistic, that few dare to build close to Google's "kill-zone".

We talk to PeteyVid's Craig Stadler about alternative, how David takes on Godzilla, why song covers get taken down quicker than ISIS beheadings, and whether regulation will hurt the big monopolies, or help them.

Check out this episode!

Friday, 30 October 2020

Polish Protests: What Is Going On?

Content Warning: Abortion, Blasphemy, and Revolution.

We spoke to Gabriel to get a handle on what's happening with women's rights, politics, protests, and the Catholic Church in Poland.

Funny, alarming, enlightening, and disturbing. If you wondered WTF is going on in Poland, I'd recommend you check out this frank discussion.

Anti-PiS protest song by an activist currently in prison for speaking against the current government:

How I hate you so much
How much I hate you
How much I despise you
probably just as much as you despised me

So sing along together!
You need to say fuck you to PiS
and you need not to be afraid of them
and in the face of the adversity, you must strike

PiS politician is a whore above all whores
And that is how their brotherhood works
PiS politician is stealing millions...
...just to give it to the church

So sing along together!...

Check out this episode!

Monday, 26 October 2020

Steelmanning Capitalism and Rebranding Bernie with Real Politik

Can a few minor tweaks to our current system make the world a much better place? We tried to steelman Capitalism and Democracy, and ended up with Mr. Koch holding court with some practical changes grounded in political and economic theory that none could argue with. Another wonderful crossover with the Real Politik gents, and a very impressive guest.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Polite Political Discourse and Activism in America

The DMC, Biden, and Trump are barely mentioned while we have a frank discussion on the future of American politics with a former Conservative, and a former Bernie or Buster, both of whom have changed their minds several times in recent years, and spend time reaching across the aisle to people with differing political opinions having seen the benefit of getting involved in local politics.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Drugs Won The War on Drugs

The War on Drugs has exacerbated most of the problems it claimed it could fix, costing the United States $1 trillion dollars and wrecking millions of lives, while disproportionally targeting black men.

This episode we look deeper into the reality of modern day prohibition and discuss the drawbacks of a lack in drug education and the ramifications of strong drug laws.

How dangerous are drugs? Would you want all drugs to be legalised?

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Real Politik Beyond Binary Crossover

Real Politik is our favourite podcast, so we jumped on a cross-over to deep dive into how most economic theory is a nonsense mythology based on demonstrably false misunderstandings of people and markets.

We also get into the religion of "Leftist" politics and why the Democratic Party stopped representing the working class, paving the way for Trump (and his potential re-election).

Visit their Patreon at and keep the conversation going on twitter @real_politik.

Outro music Silence, by Andrew Sloman. Check out more of his music at:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Grey Faction's War against Pseudoscience and Bad Psychology

Evan Anderson, head of Grey Faction does inspiring work taking on pseudoscience and conspiracy therapists in the mental health industry.

We discuss how Satanic Panic made an industry of hysteric Conspiracy Therapists, implanting false memories, and interfering with criminal cases. Does privatized healthcare corrupt therapy as quickly as a nationalized service trying to scale costs?

Does the replication crisis invalidate most of psychology, and if so, are the therapies it's based on quackery?

Please visit the Grey Faction Official Forum to keep this wonderful and vital discussion going:

Outro Music by kas:

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Utopia for All?

We discuss everyone's vision of Utopia, and how anyone can be happy when so many aren't. Must everyone sacrifice their freedom for someone else's vision of the greater good?

Israeli Kibbutzim and apocalyptic sex cults aren't the only ones that have planned for a better future. Most revolutionaries plot for a better future, but how can there be a Utopia, if only a minority want it?

As is often the case when we chew on a huge topic, we don't have all the answers, but we have a great discussion around the big questions.

Music by Stack Rack

Check out this episode!

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Beyond Gender Binary with insanelyshane

JK Rowling's blog defending TERFS and the letter that followed promoted another round of discussion on Trans and non-binary rights, the problems with Cancel Culture, and worries of 1984 wrongthink wokescolding.

We discuss with Trans Activist and stand up comedian Insanely Shane from the Holy Tranity what JK got wrong, and whether people are allowed to make mistakes in these conversation without moral panic?

Despite the Left's recent claims that cancel culture is just feedback for bigotted comments, there are cases such as Trans Youtuber Contrapoints getting cancelled that prove it's alive and awful.

There are plenty of cancellers on the right too, with 4chan trolls and conservative Christian groups trying to ban everything.

Is Dave Chapelle cancelled? What did he get wrong, and what nuance is required to understand what he said?

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

A Nuanced and British Discussion of Black Lives Matter

The disproportionate murder of people of colour by police forces, and poverty has triggered a series of Black Lives Matter protests around the world.

Are the police racist, or merely policing a structurally racist inequality?

Will the arrest of "a few bad apples" fix the problem?

Does "playing the race card" and toppling statues make things worse in a multicultural society? And if so, why has decades of peaceful protesting been so poorly received? Will more active demonstrations achieve more?

For a nuanced discussion, of all of the above, we're joined by the enormously talented Jamie Mackie whose song features at the end.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Conspicuous Conscious Consumerism

The Beyond Binary team debates whether it's possible to be a conscious consumer, how evolutionary psychology, social media, and a desire to succeed and be conscious drive us all to be more conspicuous in our spending habits, and whether the scorn of this all is helpful. From Zizek to Kim Kardashian via Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates, we talk about poverty shaming, the politics of envy, whether greed is good, and whether progress is possible.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Beyond the Conspiracy Theories

From harmless tales of Bigfoot and aliens, a mistrust of everything, and social media has mutated conspiracy theories into a monster. The Beyond Binary Thinking crew are joined by Jonny Miller to discuss how scientific illiteracy, skepticism, algorithms and echo chambers have us dying from preventable diseases, burning down 5g masts, and completely unsure who's running our elections any more. Will Newton's flaming laser sword save us? Do we really hate our own politicians so much, we'd rather leave Russian trolls and billionaire oligarchs in power? Does anyone actually believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? We try to go beyond the conspiracy theories.

Check out the Stalwart Report: UK Gov investigation into mobile phone health effects from 3G roll out. 2003.

Also, for a funny takedown, check out

Check out this episode!

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Philosophy Crossover with Searching for It

We invite knowledgeable and eloquent guests for a beyond binary discussion, and we knew we'd outdone ourselves as soon as we started talking with Philosopher Lewis Williams from our favourite podcast Searching for It.

What followed was a free and open conversation, following the most interesting tangents intersecting philosophy, psychology, and culture.

Why did Simulism capture the public's imagination and what does it have in common with death cults? How does meditation become a religion, and an ego-driven competition?

Is a utilitarian perspective on ethics against our evolution? Are Buddhism and absurdism, two sides of the same coin? Do Chinese students study Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer to be edgy?

We don't have all the answers, but we ask the fun questions.

Check out this episode!

Friday, 20 March 2020


The current pandemic is so controversial, we had to abort our first attempt at recording this episode. It devolved into a pretty heated argument.

So we came back vaccinated against disinformation, and ready for a calmer, more entertaining discussion, on how skepticism in the face of social media clickbait, our stone-age misunderstandings of statistics, and a mistrust of government has doomed us.

Will everything be all right? Well it won't ever be the same!

Thanks to Kit Zellerbach for the wonderful outro music.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Is America’s Foreign Policy Corrupt or Coherent?

America’s history has always combined colonialist expansion with entrepreneurial spirit. Is Lockheed Martin sponsored war with Iran the inevitable logical step?

Following another longstanding tradition, two Europeans critique American foreign policy.

We’re joined by an American political hip hop artist to help explain whether there’s method to the madness of the orange president, and whether Christian Evangelicals are catalyzing world war three.

We struggle to play devil’s advocate, and discuss how much America will be missed now it’s losing its position of respect as a world power, and running out of money after spending trillions on losing profitable but illegal wars.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

The Satanic Temples Kym LaRoux and Chalice Blythe go Beyond Binary Thinking

I was surprised when two senior leaders of The Satanic Temple agreed to a chat, especially given the organisations’s dramatic growth following the warts and all documentary (now on Netflix).

I came prepared to play devil’s advocate. How can a group whose values include the right to offend be inspiring and thoughtful? How does a growing and popular organisation stop themselves from becoming the powerful theocracy they’re protesting against?

The Satanist label clearly gets a lot of press attention, but isn’t it counterproductive for their work in schools and with mental healthcare? I tried to hold up the mirror to some criticism of their members’ groupthink, and hypocrisy.

They responded thoughtfully, and left us awestruck by the depth of their understanding of religion, psychology, philosophy, and how to change the world for the better.

Please donate to help them keep up their vital community work. TST TV:

Grey Faction:

TST Donation: Reproductive Rights Donation:

Artwork by Shirley Pipps:

And here’s a link to Denied Grace’s music!

Check out this episode!